Volunteer Information
Coming together to Challenge DV
Artwork by Rachael Sarra

Volunteer Portal

Welcome to our Volunteer Portal for the 2024 Challenge DV Darkness to Daylight. Thank you so much for registering your interest in joining us at this amazing event that will bring much needed community awareness and fundraising for domestic and family violence prevention.

In this portal you will have access to all documents pertaining to your volunteer role. We will do our best to place you in your preferred position, but there is a chance that we may need to place you elsewhere. We will be in touch in the lead up to the event via email correspondence to confirm your role and to get you any further information.

Thank you again for coming on board and we look forward to working with you on Tuesday 29th May and/or Wednesday 30th May 2024.

Role Descriptions

Your exact role for the day will be sent to you via email in the lead up to the event. In the mean time, please read the below carefully and check the box at the end of this information to let us know that you have read it all and understand the requirements and details of the event. Then don’t forget to pop the date in your diary, so you won’t double book yourself.

Event Set Up Crew

The event set up crew will be assisting to set up event signage such as flags, fence mesh, and corflutes. Other duties include moving crowd control barriers and setting up tables. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in the event industry and are looking to gain some hands-on experience. If you would like to help out but aren’t available during the event, this role is for you. 

Event Set up crew will be required onsite from 12:00pm 4:00pm on Wednesday 29th May

Registration Tent Squad

The registration tent squad are often the first point of contact for participants on event day. Their tasks include answering questions about the course and venue, bag drop, wrist band and t-shirt collection, and lost and found. If you have a friendly personality and some customer service experience, this role is for you! Registration tent will be located out of the front of Parliament House on George St, Brisbane. 

The registration tent squad are required onsite between:

Wednesday 29th May: 6:00pm – 12:00am

Thursday 30th May: 4:00am – 8:00am

Start Line Marshals

The start line marshals will be assisting participants at the start line (Main Drive) and directing them into the correct waiting area. You may be located on Alice Street or just inside the Botanic Gardens - directing people up to the start line area, out the front of Parliament House, or all the way up to the start line to ensure crowd flow is efficient. Start line marshals will also act as roaming information points and answer basic participant questions, such as where the toilets or registration tent are located.

Start line marshals will be required from 4:00am – 8:00am on Thursday 30th May

Water Station Crew

The water station crew are responsible for keeping participants hydrated while they complete the course. You will be located on course at Garden’s Point (Southern Side of the Goodwill Bridge), Kurilpa (Kurilpa Point Park) or in the finish area (Parliament House) managing the finish line water station. You will be assisting with the set-up, pack down and maintenance of the water station… and most importantly cheering on participants!

The Garden’s Point Water Station crew will be required on site between:

6:00pm – 12:00am on Wednesday 29th May  OR

12:00am – 4:00am on Thursday 30th May  OR

4:00am – 8:00am on Thursday 30th May

The Kurilpa Water Station crew will be required on site between:

4:30am – 7:00am on Thursday 30th May

The Finish Line Water Station crew will be required on site between:

4:00am – 8:00am on Thursday 30th May

Finish Line Marshals

The finish line marshals are integral to keep the finish venue running smoothly throughout the finish of the event. These volunteers will be split up to manage crowd flow from the Botanic Gardens side of Parliament House, all the way in to the Parliament House finish venue. This includes areas such as the finish chute, toilets and facilities queues, and general points of crowding identified across the venue. As this role involves getting people moving, if you have a loud and outgoing personality, this role is for you!

Finish Line Marshals will be required onsite from 5:00am – 7:30am on Thursday 30th May

Event Pack Down Crew

Event pack down volunteers will be assisting to pack up event signage including flags, fence mesh, and corflutes around the finish area. Other duties include moving crowd control barriers and packing down tables which is relevant to each volunteer’s capabilities. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in the event industry to gain some hands-on experience. If you don’t mind some physical work or want to help out after an earlier shift, this role is for you. 

Event pack down crew will be required onsite from 7:00am – 9:00am on Thursday 30th May

Volunteer Pocket Guide (link to pocket guide)

D2D24 Volunteer Pocket Guide

Volunteer Briefs (link to each volunteer brief)

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Set Up Crew

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Registration Tent

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Start Line Marshal

D2D24 Volunteer Brief On Course Marshal

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Garden’s Point Water Station

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Kurilpa Water Station

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Finish Line Water Station - OVERNIGHT

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Finish Line Water Station - MORNING

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Finish Line Marshal

D2D24 Volunteer Brief Pack Down Crew